Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Make Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Hey everybody!

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is the cold weather and being able to snuggle up with a piping mug of hot chocolate! I've created a step-by-step instruction on my favorite way to make peppermint hot chocolate!

First, fill up a festive mug with milk*. For this recipe, water won't work.

You can either heat it up on the stove until it's near boiling, or just put it in the microwave on high for 2 minutes.

While your milk is heating up, crush some candy canes or peppermints. I like to stick these mini canes in a plastic bag and roll over it with a rolling pin. That way, they're nice and crushed up.

After your milk is done heating up, get out a jar of Nutella. Put in a generous spoonful (or 2 stingy spoons) of Nutella into the milk along with the crushed peppermint, and stir.

Voilá! You're done! The hot chocolate should be minty, frothy, and delicious! For an added touch, hang a candy cane on the rim!

Hope you enjoyed!
<3 Lucero

*I see you're using 1% milk. Is it because you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be using whole if you wanted to.