Sunday, February 26, 2012

Types of People at the Airport

Hey everybody!

I flew back to Dubai from San Antonio this past week, and that means spending a lot of time at the airport. Around 25 hours, to be precise. So, on this past flight I've taken note of the different types of people at the airport.

The Sniffling Germ-Spreader: This person is terribly sick, but even worse, they're contagious. I sympathize with anybody who has to fly with even a little cold, but this person seems to just spread germs anywhere they go! While sneezing, coughing, and hacking throughout the flight they'll always fail to remember to cover their mouths or use a tissue. I can just smell the viruses in the recycled plane air!

The Important Businessperson: This guy or gal is always dressed to impress, even if it's for a 15 hour flight. Not only do they look important, they seem to think they're quite important too! Whether it's strutting down the aisle or pushing you to the side in the Passport Control line, this person can be such a nuisance!

The First- Time/ Anxious Flyer: This traveler is spotted triple-checking their tickets and passports while nervously avoiding eye contact with all other people. They make an effort to sit alone in the waiting area, and cautiously guard any carry-ons. Though a bit odd, these people are usually harmless if left alone.

The Struggling Parent: This poor flyer is usually traveling alone, with 2 or more young children. Between getting formula, and chucking fruit snacks at the little ones, this parent is a total jet-lagged mess.

The Jewelry Hoarder: This traveler (usually a woman, but men are guilty too) decided it would be a lovely idea to wear every piece of jewelry she owns to the airport. She takes up valuable time in security, especially when she tries to sneak past the metal detector wearing a watch bigger than Flavor Flav's.

The Annoying Child: This kid, typically around 10 years old is a nuisance to anybody within a 30 feet radius of them. They'll jump around, kick the backs of seats, and whine loudly. His/her parent is usually too frazzled or doesn't care enough to say anything. Meanwhile, the child goes around spilling orange juice and refusing to turn off his/her PSP.

The Relaxed Recliner: This person feels it's a fabulous idea to recline the seat as far back as it will go. I understand it's comfortable, especially for tall people on cramped seats. But if you're so short that you win a limbo contest without even bending backwards, you don't need to recline your seat. I may barely pass 5 feet, but it's still uncomfortable for me!

Until next time,
<3 Lucero

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

MAC Haul: Shop and Cook Sneak Peak!

Hi everybody!

This past Tuesday my mom and I attended the MAC event at North Star Mall. It was a sneak peak event of the latest MAC collections, both inspired by the mod 50's and 60's style cooking and supermarket shopping. Even though the tiny store was insanely crowded, the workers were very helpful and nice. Plus, there were some fun snacks and cocktails going around, too! (I couldn't get any, as they were alcoholic. On the plus side, I got a Hello Kitty stamp on my hand denoting that I was underage!)

 There was also couple standing near the front decked out in neon cooking aprons! They were so perfect, they were like a real life Ken and Barbie! I couldn't take any pictures of the actual event, but I do have some lovely pictures of all the goodies prior to swatching.

Hope you all enjoyed the pictures!
<3 Lucero